
Dark with Excessive Light Collection Launch at Melbourne Museum

Dark with Excessive Light Collection Launch at Melbourne Museum

I had a dream to create a show that not only was visually beautiful but interactive, engaging and moving. I am but one person with a dream but with an incredible team of people supporting me, this dream was given wings to fly and wow did it soar! My collection, Dark With Excessive Light celebrates the sovereignty of the human …
The Style Alumnae, Series 2 with Helen Reizer

The Style Alumnae, Series 2 with Helen Reizer

Name: Helen Reizer Helen wears our Mon Colette Coat Dress Occupation: Publicity and Event Management What’s your definition of style? My definition of style encompasses everything around us. What we wear, how we decorate our homes, the cars we choose to drive, the way we apply our makeup, the way we choose to do our hair….it’s all about our choice …